Educational History


2019 - 2023


Feb 2022 - July 2022

  • Finalist in UNY Virtual Fashion Event (Vidio Performance)

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

PT. Suri Tani Pemuka

Indobot Academy

Aug 2022 - Dec 2022

  • Finalist in UNY Virtual Fashion Event (Modeling performance)

  • Winner 1st in Vocational Olympic Indonesian 2022


About Me

I am Otniel Andi Hermawan, a recent graduate with a focus on Electronics and the digital creative industry. With various experiences, including relevant courses and certifications, I am committed to continuously deepening my understanding of my role and responsibilities. I am always enthusiastic about taking on new challenges. Let's get acquainted and explore the projects I have created.

  • Academic and Campus Life Orientation

  • Basic Training and Emotional Spiritual Qoutient

  • Training on Information and Communication Technology

  • UNYtech TV (Technical Division)

Participation in Supporting Academic Activities and Organizationz



Internet of Things (IoT) Engineer

Certification & License

Nomor ID: 7DD1A-7DCB9-7B543

BNSP (Designer Multimedia)

No. Reg. TIK MM 991 00036 2019

BNSP (Assembly & Solder 3 Trained Operator)

No. Reg. 218 10662 2020

Soft Skill


masih ingin kenal lebih dalam?

Problem Solving

Critical thinking


Learning to learn

Project Management



Work Team

Hard Skills

I am a person who is quick to learn new things.

  • Microsoft Office

  • programming language

  • Language

Python : Medium

C++ : Medium



  • Editing Video

  • Design Graphic

  • Photography

  • Video Production

  • Deep Learning

  • Internet of Things

  • PLC Programming

  • Electronics Assembly

  • Design Scada or HMI

  • Electrical Machine Installation

  • Design Wiring

  • Content creator

  • Database

  • Web Developer



Task IoT

Membuat desain logo untuk perusahaan XYZ

Desain Web

Membangun website responsif untuk perusahaan ABC

monitor showing Java programming
monitor showing Java programming
Desain Kemasan

Merancang kemasan produk baru untuk perusahaan DEF

Mengembangkan desain brosur promosi untuk perusahaan GHI

Desain Poster
monitor showing Java programming
monitor showing Java programming
monitor showing Java programming
monitor showing Java programming